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Andy Hanselman


Andy Hanselman – Business Improvement & Motivational Speaker

Andy Hanselman is a recognised expert in helping businesses deliver outstanding customer experiences by ‘Thinking in 3D’!

That means being ‘Dramatically and Demonstrably Different’ from their competitors. He provides audiences with insights and ‘real-life’ examples of how these 3D Businesses ‘stand out from the crowd’, make their customers feel valued and create amazing levels of recommendations and repeat business.

He provides his audiences with stimulation, inspiration, and practical ideas to help them do that too – things that attract, win and retain their customers and create real competitive advantage.

Andy Hanselman speaks about customer experience, culture and competitiveness at conferences and events worldwide, both face to face and virtually, and provides real insights into these 3D Businesses, their leaders and their people do and how they do it. He has built a strong reputation for his ‘down to earth’ approach offering no-nonsense ‘stuff’ that people can actually use back in the business immediately to improve their competitiveness in the areas that count. He shares ‘real’ examples that resonate with the audience and tells stories that they can all learn from – no academic theories or ‘magical answers’, but proven processes your people can apply to your business.

Whether it’s providing your front-line staff with proven tools and techniques to deliver outstanding customer experiences, giving ideas to your managers on engaging, empowering and enabling them to do that, or sharing insights with your leaders on how to inspire people and shape the culture that makes it happen, Andy will motivate and fire your people up, but importantly, he will motivate them to ‘do’ things and equip them with the tools and techniques to make a difference – a ‘Dramatic Difference’ even!

He has over 30 years researching, working with, and learning from these successful, disruptive and forward-thinking 3D Businesses and is a recognised expert on business competitiveness. He is the author of 3 books (currently working on his 4th!) and is passionate about sharing his ideas with audiences all over the world. He continues to research and identify successful ‘3D Thinkers’ (disruptive businesses, their leaders and their people), ensuring that his material is fresh and relevant for today’s fast-moving world.


Andy Hanselman brings the lessons he has learnt in an engaging and inspiring way. He thrives on challenging and stimulating people and works with a huge cross section of businesses and sectors.

Clients value the fact that Andy tailors his presentation specifically to his audience. He will spend time talking to, and crucially, listening to you to identify the key issues you face, and then develop and deliver something that addresses those issues. So, whether it’s your senior leaders, your managers, your front-line staff or a combination of them all, you can be sure that Andy will deliver something that ‘hits the spot’!

Popular topics Andy is asked to deliver include

  • Create Outstanding Customer Experiences By Thinking in 3D!’
  • Forget CRM- Think MCR! Maximise Your Customer Relationships’
  • Create A Culture That Engages, Empowers And Enables Your People To ‘Think In 3D’!

Andy can deliver keynote presentations, run interactive seminars (or webinars) or deliver full day long participative workshops, and which ever it is, we can assure you Andy will make a difference to your event – a ‘Dramatic Difference’ that is!


Customer Engagement
Winning Mindset/performance


We have worked with Matthew for many years and will continue to do so. His knowledge of the Speaker Market and ability to interpret our clients requirements is quite exceptional.

He is incredibly thorough in his approach and always goes that extra mile to ensure everything is exactly as required.

I am always happy working with Matthew, he has great credibility, he is very diverse in his ability to make things happen.

Matthew Fisher and I have worked together for many number of years. I have always found Matt to be honest, good natured and willing to work hard always carefully selecting the best appearances to suit my personality and lifestyle. The work Matthew has delivered for me over the years has varied from schools, colleges, attending film premiers, guest speaking  to name a few all of which I have lots of memories and thoroughly enjoyed.