New Speakers January 2021
As always we continue to look to add new speakers to our website and are delighted to welcome three new speakers to the site to mark the beginning of 2021. Please find below some details on mental health and empowerment speaker Jack Nolan, former Commandant of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and leadership speaker, Paul Nanson and former Executive Business Partner for Jeff Bezos and Silicon Valley Veteran, Ann Hiatt.
Jack Nolan is one of the UK’s youngest Mental Health and Empowerment Speakers, Dyslexic Author, and winners of the world! Surviving two mental health breakdowns and being diagnosed with Bi-Polar, Jack bounced back, turning his negative circumstances into an opportunity to bring value to people’s lives.
Jack is now 23 years of age and has published 2 novels, his second called ‘Dead Ends’. Jack has also created a series of positive and inspirational reads, from a collection of Poems; The Intuitive Mind; You Can Become Playbooks; Thoughts and Wisdom; A collection of personal quotes, and YCB’s All and Everything, an inspirational read of motivational materials.
Jack is now speaking at events and helping people through his brand and personal message that ‘You Can Become’ all and everything in life. His speaking topics cover/include –
- Adversity To Advantage
- Mental Health
- Change your story, change your life!
Ann is a Silicon Valley veteran and speaker with 15 years of experience as the Executive Business Partner for Jeff Bezos, Founder, and CEO of Amazon, and Eric Schmidt, CEO/Executive Chairman of Google.
Her very first job was at 16 when she worked at a startup in Redmond, Washington called MusicWare – back when no one knew what a startup was. Growing up in Seattle during the original dotcom boom, surrounded by companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Starbucks, was a master class in innovation and it changed the course of her life.
Ann now works as a consultant and speaker applying the lessons of innovation, ambition, growth at scale, and forward-thinking leadership that she learned at Amazon and Google to help businesses expand and individual careers grow.
Ann Hiatt has a number of keynote topics for corporate events including –
Lessons in Innovation from Silicon Valley Elite
In this session, you will learn how to maximize your potential, expand your skills, create a deeper relationship with your executive, and make your role even more impactful through executive-level communication, problem-solving, collaboration, and passion. Ann will share these business lessons through captivating stories of things she’s learned (often the hard way) directly from the Silicon Valley elite she has supported for the past 15 years.
Grit, Reinvention and Pivoting for Success
As the right hand for some of the most powerful CEOs (Jeff Bezos -CEO, Amazon, and Eric Schmidt – CEO, Google) Ann has witnessed what it takes to endure the relentless process of learning, pivoting, and surviving while under extreme scrutiny. In this talk, you will learn the keys to success through grit, reinvention, and pivoting at the right times.
The “celebrity CEO” trend has set a daunting spotlight for executives at all levels where it feels like everyone is watching your every move and not allowing for iterative learning or experimentation. We all need to develop agile strategies, push through unexpected pain points, and continue to learn and grow personally while maintaining authority. This talk will explore the many ways in which you can use that spotlight to empower both you and your workforce to think creatively and get results.
Paul Nanson served 34 years with the British Army during which time he held a number of leadership roles in a variety of capacities and in nearly every continent. He has led operations in Northern Ireland, the Gulf War, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. His extensive expertise is based on operations, leadership development, recruiting, training and personnel, and is a keynote speaker on leadership and high performance
In 2015 he was selected to be Commandant of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. As the longest-serving head in recent history, he furthered the reach and reputation of the world’s premier Leadership Academy, including the development of leader selection; a through-life Leadership Development ‘Pipeline’ aimed at next-generation leaders; international leader development for officers from up to 80 countries; and a Commercial Leadership Development Programme designed to take military leadership into the civilian market.
Paul Nanson is an internationally respected, strong, and determined leader with a proven track record of effectiveness over a number of high-profile military operations, spanning three decades.
Pauls keynote speeches cover –
- Stand Up Straight – The story behind the book. How can the leadership lessons learned at Sandhurst be turned into life lessons for all?
- Serve to Lead – What makes a servant leader and why are they more effective when it comes to leading under pressure?
- Leading in a Complex Environment – Based on experiences in combat, how leaders need to build trust, ensure resilience, and empower their teams to stay a step ahead of the opposition.
- Generating High Performance – the importance of believing in yourself, your team, and those that lead you.
- Leading Change – how military leadership can be applied to a non-military problem.
For more information or details on any of them please do contact us on 020 8854 7247 or email