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Self-Leadership Speakers

Self-Leadership Speakers

Self-leadership can be defined as recognising, exercising, and improving your own leadership. It is about your own qualities and how through your own thoughts and actions you can reach your goals successfully and build a satisfying life.

The emphasis is on self and whilst you can get outside perspectives it is down to you to make your own decisions and to motivate yourself to act.

These are a few of the speakers we work with who speak on Self Leadership.


Phil Olley is a sought-after inspirational speaker and international author, who works with companies and individuals throughout the world to help them dramatically enhance performance, improve results, and achieve their goals. One of his keynote subjects is around Self-Leadership –

Self-Leadership – Title: Mindset, Motivation, and a Moment of Magic – turning yourself around when the going gets tough.

Many people know what they want… but feel stuck about how to get there and feel ‘stuck’ in a quagmire of busy-ness, but unable to really get what they want from life. This session provides the mental bandwidth to plan your future, to shift from ‘reactive’ to ‘proactive’, and to be more confident in your future.

The aim is that delegates not only feel inspired and motivated by a fresh perspective but that they leave with a suite of practical and immediately usable tools to improve their impact and generate outstanding success.


Welcome to the world of Marc Convey, a motivational speaker, burns survivor, and advocate for triumph over trauma. Marc’s strong belief is that you can survive anything if you develop the inner resources to face it and forge a new path, whatever your physical limitations. One of Marc’s keynotes is Leading from Within – 

Leading from Within: Building Resilience as the Cornerstone of Effective Leadership

For Marc Convey, developing leadership skills started with creating a foundation of inner resilience. Right from the start, Marc saw himself as the “CEO” of his own recovery – defying the odds to thrive and inspire others. Self-awareness and emotional intelligence are crucial foundations for leadership and Marc talks revealingly about his own personal and professional growth. How can we deep-dive into our own experiences to find the leader within? How does inner resilience translate into strategies that help those around us?


Founder of Self Leadership International, Andrew Bryant has been helping individuals and organizations to take greater ownership, responsibility, and accountability for nearly 25 years.

His 2012 book ‘Self Leadership: How to Become A More Successful Efficient, and Effective Leader from the Inside Out (McGraw-Hill)’ has been cited in over 140 research papers and Ph.D. dissertations. Andrew’s signature keynote is Driving Accelerating Results through Self-Leadership –

‘Driving Accelerating Results through Self-leadership’

Leadership is the process of influencing others in a manner that enhances their contribution to the realization of group goals. Effective Leadership is a function of the Leader’s Style, Followers’ Motivation and Skills, and the Business Environment. This requires self-awareness, self-learning, and self-regulation, in short, self-leadership. 

Everyone can be a self-leader, taking ownership and responsibility for achieving objectives, but often hit the roadblocks of ‘framing’ and ‘firefighting’. Andrew illustrates how to accelerate with self-leadership and achieve accelerated results by having the right conversations. 


Jaz Ampaw-Farr is a Human First Leadership Strategist, Keynote Speaker, and Author. Jaz has a unique ability to help people and corporations reframe their stories and situations, bringing transformation to their work, life, and communities. This is Jaz’s alchemy.

In her Balance Life and Work in the Digital Age keynote, Jaz speaks on Self-Leadership –

Balancing Life and Work in the Digital Age

Embracing change is never easy and often requires stellar levels of mental resilience and agility. Balancing the demands of remote working with your own well-being, family life, and embedded uncertainty bring huge challenge to the navigation of your everyday. The good news is that you are more powerful than you think…

For the last twenty years, Jaz has helped organisations, leaders, and individuals to rebrand failure and navigate through chaos to a stronger way of being. In this session, you will discover the hidden depths you didn’t know you possessed around self-leadership, self-awareness, and choice. Together Jaz will help you create your own personal impact roadmap for acknowledging your value, overcoming adversity, and focusing only on what you can control.

If you looking for a speaker on Self-Leadership please drop us a line at enquiries@scampspeakers.co.uk or call 020 8854 7247.


We have worked with Matthew for many years and will continue to do so. His knowledge of the Speaker Market and ability to interpret our clients requirements is quite exceptional.

He is incredibly thorough in his approach and always goes that extra mile to ensure everything is exactly as required.

I am always happy working with Matthew, he has great credibility, he is very diverse in his ability to make things happen.

Matthew Fisher and I have worked together for many number of years. I have always found Matt to be honest, good natured and willing to work hard always carefully selecting the best appearances to suit my personality and lifestyle. The work Matthew has delivered for me over the years has varied from schools, colleges, attending film premiers, guest speaking  to name a few all of which I have lots of memories and thoroughly enjoyed.