Jon Burkhart Beernote
The Beernote!
We are pleased to be working with Jon Burkhart – who is not only an engaging and interactive speaker on content strategy, he also offers clients a Beernote! – an end of conference speech summarising the days events in a humerous and memorable style.
Jon is best known for co-authoring Newsjacking: The Urgent Genius of Real-time Advertising and co-founding Urgent Genius, the world’s first blog dedicated to real-time creativity, in 2010. Jon makes you (and your brand) more memorable in the moment.
A former stand-up comedian, Jon Burkhart provides entertaining talks and insights into how companies can improve their content, therefore improving their brand effectiveness and making it stand out from the crowd. His sessions are interactive and get the creative minds thinking.
Jon also offers audiences a Beernote!. Ever wanted a speaker to provide you with insightful and thought-provoking content in one speech and yet come back later and also summarise the days events in one humourous and memorable speech.
Jon end of conference speech (or Beernote) is designed to leave delegates feeling on a high and keeps all the day’s events at the forefront of their minds.
For more information please drop us an email or have a look at Jons showreel on his webpage.